Friday, August 18, 2006

Lazy with a capital L

On Friday's I get off of work at 1:30p.m., which is great cause I can run around, get all my errands done, clean up the house and then go do something fun. Well, not sir ree.
Today I had an appointment at 1:00p.m., went home, thought about mowing the lawn and decided to take a nap instead. A nap? I am not a napper, so I don't even know where that came from. So, after my nap I got up, thought about mowing the lawn and decided to sit outside on the patio and blog surf instead. I did gaze up occasionally to look at the lawn and think about mowing. Then, I decided to move inside, get comfy on the couch (remember I'm wireless now) and continue my blog surfing. Oh, and turn on CNN for a quick Jon Benet update...which by the way, how crazy is that?? Almost 5 hours later, I am still surfing blogs and watching CNN. Guess I'll mow tomorrow since it's dark outside now. ;-)

Here's something super funny that I am flat out stealing from Kelli in Portland's blog. click here and enjoy!

OK, back to my blog addiction...


Blogger C's Mom said...

Nothing wrong with being a veggie now and surf on, woman ;0)

9:28 PM  

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