Wednesday, November 14, 2007

11 months and re-fingerprinting

Yesterday was my eleven month anniversary of waiting. I didn't remember until this morning when I saw this email from my mom...

Eleven months since log in! It WILL happen, I just know it will!

I traveled over to Spokane yesterday for my re-fingerprinting appointment. It was pretty uneventful except;

1) I had a fork in my purse and security confiscated it.
2) As I was leaving a China adoptive family was entering the office to submit their daughter's citizenship paperwork...I said hello and took the brave step (knowing that they probably didn't really want to be bothered) and mentioned that I was a waiting parent and had just completed my fingerprinting. She wasn't very nice and it was pretty clear that I shouldn't have taken the brave step and said anything!

Oh well. :-)

11 down


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fork?

1:07 PM  
Blogger Kelli said...

that mean jerk lady- she would have done the same thing, had the tables been turned.

You keep your chin up girlie- your in my prayers :)

2:47 PM  
Blogger Liene said...


Congrats on the 11 months down too. I had thought about it last week and then until yesterday afternoon when I was thinking about my nieces birthday did I realize it.

So what do you propose we do next month to celebrate 12 months down???

I'm sorry the lady was not nice to you. That's not very nice. We have to go do the re-finger printing next month and renewal. That means that I have to call the agency and have them update our homestudy too. More money out the window...%$@!*#!

But someone saw a post several months ago on the CCAA website (or at least she swears she did) saying that the CCAA will go back to matching 2 weeks worth of dossiers at a time. Still means we won't have our kiddos until 2009 though probably.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just happened across a crabby lady. Everytime I see parents with beautiful little Asian children, I tell them I'm waiting for my granddaughter from China and I've never had anyone be less than excited for me! Most people love to talk about it.

5:35 PM  
Blogger ~Kristen said...

Happy 11 Months Sara!!!

mean people suck... she should have known better.

6:17 PM  
Blogger kitchu said...

Happy 11~! I so can't wait to be out of the single digits... :O)

7:06 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

I can't believe it's been 11 months already...I hope the time is going fast for you.

Some people are just unfriendly and it doesn't matter whether you have a common bond or not. So don't take it personally!

6:05 AM  
Blogger A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Congrats on 11 months behind you!!

That mean lady, doesn’t she know that compassion goes a long way!

Smiles! :o)

4:22 PM  
Blogger Headmeister said...

Happy 11 sister!!! I'm not doing my fingerprinting until Feb actually. They said to let them expire and then redo them when our 171H has to be redone. Sorry to hear about the unfriendly AP. Phooey on her! And by the way, do you have a license to carry that fork? ;)

7:30 PM  
Blogger C's Mom said...

Happy 11....your mom is right.

A fork? Hmmm....I thought I had funky stuff in my purse LOL

7:43 PM  

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