Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mommy has a boo boo or two or three...

I fell down at work today and busted my arse...seriously.

I was walking with purpose in the pouring rain with my arms full of books, water bottle, umbrella, etc. One moment I was cruising along, the next moment I was sprawled out on the sidewalk. I have no idea how it happened, maybe I tripped, maybe I stepped on a rock, or twisted my anke, I don't know. I think I was so mortified I blacked out...and it hurt, bad.

Thankfully, only one person I actually know witnessed the accident (as far as I can tell), everyone else were strangers. Lovely.

I was so shook up (and embarrassed) that I hustled into my building and cried in the bathroom. Plus, it hurt like hell! My co-worker (who witnessed) came rushing in to help, bringing supplies from the first-aid kit. My new pants are now ripped at the knee, my knee is swollen and bloody, my other ankle hurts, I have bruises on both my hands, my back is stiff, and I have a nasty huge bruise on my arm. HR made me fill out an incident report and the 3 A*dvil I took doesn't seem to be helping much. I can't wait to see how I feel tomorrow....

And how'd your day go?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you gotta boo-boo.
I am sure you will be sore for a few days so I will send you Reiki thoughts today in hopes you feel better soon. Take care, and hopefully B is taking good care of you like you did to him when he was hurt.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Donna said...

Oh man...that's terrible! Hope you're on the mend soon!

11:40 AM  
Blogger Lisa and Tate said...

I feel for ya! I totally fell two years ago OUT OF NO WHERE. Sadly, I did break both elbows.

Hope tomorrow you will be feeling better and your fall will just be a slight memory.

2:13 PM  
Blogger C's Mom said...

Ouch! Hope you can stay on your feet tomorrow and let those bruises and bang-ups heal.

4:28 PM  

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